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Posts published by “Julia Arbutus”

A Lively Time: Partying with the Undead

Just last week, I sat down with Nell Quinn-Gibney, who has written “Zombie Apopalypse: A Brainless Pop Musical,” which premieres in Fine Arts 306 on…

We’re positive Legally Blonde is what you want

Dear Student Marshal who walked through the Fine Arts recital hall lobby on Wednesday night, You have probably encountered a range of different events during…

Lights, camera, Campus MovieFest

If you had seen students filming mini-movies around campus over the past week, it was likely for Campus MovieFest, the world’s largest student film festival.…

Not your mother’s opera

“Contemporary” might not be the first word that springs into the mind when thinking of opera, but a new Baltimore Theatre Project and Peabody Chamber…

What’s up next in theatre at UMBC

Get ready to pencil these events into your calendars, because UMBC’s spring semester is going to be full of fun, theatrical events – many of…

Baltimore Hippodrome’s 2017/2018 season

The Baltimore Hippodrome Theatre at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center announced their 2017/2018 Broadway season in mid-January, to include seven hit musicals, some of which…