“An Idea Takes Root” Andrew Mayn Contributing Writer amayn1@umbc.edu Thirteen years after its inception, the Joseph Beuys Sculpture Park is still growing strong. A cool…
Posts tagged as “recent”
Tyler Summers Contributing Writer NQ00974@umbc.edu Steeze a new app has hit the iPhone with its main goal of asking the user to “peep or toss”.…
Amanda Prescott Contributing Writer amanda42@umbc.edu Amazon’s smart phone, the Fire Phone, is a complete flop in it’s attempt to compete with other smartphone manufacturers. In…
By Nathan Grube Staff Writer ngrube1@umbc.edu UMBC women’s soccer took on the University of New Hampshire in their first match of the America East Conference…
By Everett Ramon Burris Assis. Sports Editor b95@umbc.edu UMBC’s women’s volleyball team fell short against America East foe University of Hartford this…
By Everett Ramone Burris Assistant Sports Editor b95@umbc.edu It was a triumphant night for UMBC men’s soccer seniors as they dominated the University of Vermont…
Families raised funds for the Team Hope Walk Sarah Preis Features Editor spreis1@umbc.edu The Huntington’s Disease Society of America held its annual Team Hope Walk…
David Verghese Assistant Tech Editor davergh1@umbc.edu myUMBC is getting a complete redesign that will improve almost every aspect of the site. Collier Jones is the…
Ahmed Eissa Senior Staff Writer aeissa2@umbc.edu Egypt On Tuesday, Egyptian officials announced that a buffer zone on Egypt’s eastern border with the Gaza Strip was…
Expired certificates bring concerns about safety Griffin Baltz Contributing Writer griff8@umbc.edu A UMBC student posted on myUMBC concerning an elevator in Sherman Hall that had…
Tyler Lewis Contibuting Writer tlewis5@umbc.edu At UMBC, many students take Halloween seriously and put obvious time and effort into creating elaborate costumes. Last Friday, students…
UMBC’s cleaning staff do not get holiday bonuses By Tahsin Khan Senior Staff Writer tkhan3@umbc.edu Students should be more grateful towards the cleaning staff at…
New laws in 22 states hurt the young population’s right to vote By Holly Vogtman Staff Writer hollyv1@umbc.edu With recent laws going in place for…
Finally, main protagonists that aren’t white men By Mike Ruiz Contributing Writer ruiz1@umbc.edu For a long period of time there has been a problem with…
This is a point/counterpoint article; to see the other side, click here The language requirement at UMBC By Aviva Zapinsky Contributing Writer avivaz1@umbc.edu The language…
This a point/counterpoint article; to see the other side, go here Foreign language requirement is positive and holds benefits for UMBC students By Holly Vogtman…