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Halloweek in Patapsco

It’s almost that time of year again. The time for dressing up, giving and receiving candy and playing tricks on friends to get into the Halloween spirit. From preparing what costumes they will wear, to decorating their dorm rooms with various festive items, many students are prepping for a spooky Halloween.

One such student is Jezica Siarez, a freshman biology major, who said that she’s very excited for this year’s Halloween. “I can’t wait to hang out with friends and eat lots of candy,” said Siarez. “This is my first Halloween away from home, and it seems like it’ll be a blast hanging out with floor mates and dressing up, although I still need to decide what I’m going to dress up as.”

When asked about how Halloween was present around campus, Siarez said that, “As a whole school, Halloween seems to be glossed over. However, some places around campus have a lot of plans for Halloween, such as my dorm hall, Patapsco.”

Patapsco Hall does in fact have a lot of activities lined up this week to celebrate. Victor Pires, a freshman biology and psychology double major and president of Patapsco Hall, said that he and the rest of the Residential Student Association involved at Patapsco are excited about the variety of events that are happening during Halloween week.

“We have been putting a lot of thought into Halloween events for this year’s Halloween season,” said Pires. “Patapsco is offering new events almost every day of Halloween week to try and get everyone in Patapsco involved in Halloween.”

The first event on the roster is the fall door decorating contest. A straightforward event, students will compete to see who has the most festive door on their floor, and in the rest of Patapsco.

The next event is called “Get Boo’d,” where a box of candy will go from door to door of every room in Patapsco, while residents get to treat themselves to a piece of candy.

The following event is a costume contest, one of the more basic events on the roster. Simply put, students will compete to see who has the best costume in Patapsco.

The final event before Halloween itself is trick-or-treating with the service oriented group, National Residence Hall Honorary. Residents will hand out different treats to children ages two to four. The children will receive cereal bars and gummy snacks as opposed to the more traditional candy.

“We hope that these activities help to bring each other closer together, and create a greater sense of community,” said Pires. “But mostly, we want everyone to have a great Halloween and a great Halloweek.”