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Pc Jennifer Shipman

Chesapeake Bae: (seb)’s I <3 Maryland Event

Thursday night, (seb) invited Maryland lovers to celebrate the Old Line State with trivia, activities and free pizza at their “I <3 Maryland” event in the Commons Sports Zone. Tables were set with free crab mallets and canvases of the outline of a crab to color in. Sharpies of every color decorated the tables for the crafts. Over 40 students,most of whom stayed until the end, participated in the event.

Rachel Jezek, a junior majoring in information systems, came with a small group to the event in order to support their friends in (seb). An Annapolis native, Jezek loves her home state.

“It’s a mini-America,” Jezek said of Maryland, “you have lakes, a bay and an ocean. You also have mountains and farms.”

Living close to the water, Jezek grew up participating in one of Maryland’s most famous traditions.

“One of the first memories I have is fishing and crabbing out on a boat in the Chesapeake Bay,” she said as she drew an elaborate underwater scene on her canvas.

Caroline Davis, a junior majoring in linguistics and minoring in Spanish and history, sat across from Jezek. A native resident of Southern Maryland, Davis also has fond memories of growing up in the coastal state.  

“Maryland has its own really weird traditions,” Davis said, “my neighborhood has a communal crab feast every year, no questions about it.”

Davis and Jezek did not participate in the trivia, opting to leisurely enjoy the free crafts. While the women colored and chatted, the trivia announcer engaged the rest of the crowd in Maryland facts.

The questions were simple at first, asking who composed the Star Spangled Banner (Francis Scott Key). As the evening progressed, the questions became more difficult, asking what BWI was originally named (Friendship International Airport).

Several Maryland themed prizes were offered for correct answers, including a one pound tin of Old Bay seasoning, an Edgar Allan Poe mask and Orioles themed stickers and gear. The grand prize, a full size Maryland flag, was the most coveted by the crowd.

Two students faced off to win the flag, and were tasked to name two spices specific to Maryland. Old Bay came up right away but neither contestant knew the other spice (J.O. seasoning). A second question asked what Maryland’s official boat was.

Jenna Tart, a senior majoring in information systems with a certificate in web design, gave the correct answer of the skipjack and took the grand prize. She was more than pleased with her winnings.

“I wanted to craft something Maryland themed because I don’t have anything Maryland in my room right now,” Tart said.

Tart was not born in Maryland, but has lived in the state most of her life, and considers herself a Marylander. Her favorite thing about the state?

“I’ve lived in Florida, lived in Hawaii, been down south, my family is from the south, and I gotta say it’s the crabs,” Tart said.