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Humans vs. Zombies, Spring registration, and a list of valuable lessons


The Humans vs. Zombies club is playing its second week-long game this week. As players attend class, eat on campus and socialize with friends they will also be dodging their undead competition. The game began on Monday, Nov. 9 and will end on Friday the 13. Fitting. Since its inception just 20 minutes up I-695 at Goucher College in 2005, HVZ has exploded in popularity on college campuses throughout the U.S. Don’t be surprised when you see the kid sitting next you in lecture clutching a Nerf gun and looking over their shoulder every five minutes.


Spring registration 

Registration for next semester has begun! Make sure to meet with your advisor, or any professor cool enough to clear you, before your registration date. God forbid you procrastinate and end up having to compete with the freshman for last pick of classes.


When I was in college…

David Hoffman, UMBC’s assistant director of student life for civic agency, posted a list of things on myUMBC that he wished he had understood when he was in college. The list is expansive, with over 20 items. Some of them are short, only one sentence, while others are well over a paragraph. The list can be found on myUMBC’s Co-Create page. My personal favorite was, “a picture left in the same place on the wall long enough will become invisible.” It’s like Buzzfeed, but for UMBC students, and a lot deeper.