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Posts tagged as “opinions”

The Problem with the perfect body 

Editor’s note: This article heavily discusses weight, body composition, diet culture, and disordered eating. What is the “perfect body,” and why does it change so…

The benefits of CMI for students and staff

Starting Spring 2016, the Course Materials Initiative was created in the hopes that it could reduce the price of textbooks while making them more accessible…

Winter session perils

Taking classes over winter break seems like a solid way to get ahead – or get back on track – academically. This goldmine of education comes at…

Fighting crushing student debt and tuition

Resolutions and changes in tuition work to improve students’ financial situations during college College students are graduating with thousands of dollars of debt hanging over…

Setbacks of the First Amendment

The First Amendment protects even hate speech The First Amendment is unique in its protections of speech, especially its protections of hate speech, which is…

International welcome

English speakers have an easier time adjusting to campus UMBC gives a warm welcome to many international students, but can do more for those who…

The truth cloaked behind false professionalism

Crisis pregnancy centers in the U.S. revealed as non-medical clinics Crisis Pregnancy Centers are non-medical, faith based clinics dispensing inaccurate information to pregnant women looking…

Why don’t we have police cameras yet?

An argument for police accountability Body-worn and dashboard cameras keep the police accountable for their actions as government officials are sworn to keep the public…